At this moment Fikret Abdic is the candidate of those who never believed in this war, who didn't wave guns or lust for the victory or defeat of any nation
The cities are being destroyed by scum, Mafias of every nationality which someone is paying. They are primitive, with no respect for the achievements of civilization, monuments, buildings; all they are interested in is more space
The horror must be ever greater in order for anyone to pay attention to the images of death and devastation in Yugoslavia, because the world has already got used to them. However, two photographs published by REUTERS at the end of last week found their place on the cover pages of many papers worldwide
The pulling out from Bosnia-Herzegovina is not running smoothly, and things are not going well for the new army either. Different generals were discharged for different reasons, now it's the colonels' turn, while the threat of criminal charges is hanging over everyone's head - if necessary. The first newly nominated official was the head of the Security Directorate
Most current battles are waged to enable Mr. Karadzic's troops to occupy the barracks, before the JNA leaves them. For whom are the Croats "liberating" territories?