During the investigation the imprisoned former Chief of State Security, Rade Markovic, pointed the accusatorial finger at his former chief, Jovica Stanisic, on more than one occasion. Among other things, Markovic accuses his former chief of shady dealings in the Brodograditely marina, Section for Motor Boats, which is swamped with boats owned by the former big wigs of State Security: Stanisic has a boat there called Jenny Brendon, which was bought in Great Britain; Mihalj Kertes has a boat called Dunav and a high speed motor boat Papillon; Rade Markovic has a high speed motor boat without a license number and registration, which he claims not to be his, even though he originally bought it from Brodotehna; Franko Simatovic Frenki has a high speed motor boat Formula; etc., etc. Also docked in the same marina is the state security boat Kole, originally built for Tito to go duck hunting, and whose registration cost nearly million German marks