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December 2, 1991
. Vreme News Digest Agency No 10

An Indictment from Vukovar

The Croatian Parliament received on November 7 an anonymous indictment in the name of the city of Vukovar because of "the participation of Croatians in the biggest crime against the Croatian people".

This indictment was addressed to the Croatian people, the International Court of Justice in the Hague and the entire world public. Since the letter is anonymous the Croatian Parliament in the Hague has not taken it into consideration yet.

The Indictment

I accuse the Croatian Parliament for the Croatian participation in the biggest crime ever committed in the history of the Croatian people. For sacrificing the lives of 15000 Croatians from Vukovar. We accuse you, gentlemen for letting them starve while you were well fed. I accuse you gentlemen for enjoying the warm protection of your homes while they were freezing. While you were gentlemen quenching your thirst with various drinks in the desired quantity, you condemned them to a spoonful of water a day. Dear MPs while you were spending your time in your luxurious homes and offices, you left the citizens of Vukovar in damp and dark cellars. You chose warm and soft blankets to keep you warm at night, while you let them cover with wet and smelly blankets. You indulged yourselves in scented baths while Vukovar was stifling in dirt and stench. Gentlemen, your imagination does not allow you to even picture how badly the women who haven't washed in 90 days smell. Do you really think, gentlemen, that they voted for you to meet with such fate? Have all the injections in the world been reserved for the children of Vukovar? I accuse you for the eyes of all the children, for every stifled cry, for all their tears, for all their pain. I accuse you gentlemen for every chopped off heroe's arm, but also for every operated arm and bandaged wound. I condemn you for all the pain of the starving and thirsty injured. I condemn you for the desperation and the exhaustion of our medical team.

I accuse you for all the deaths owing to the shortage of blood plasma and appropriate medicine. I accuse you for the terror of a fighter who suddenly realized he ran out of ammunition. You are the ones who killed him gentlemen. I accuse you gentlemen for the moment of surprise when irrefutable evidence reached Vukovar that the Republic of Croatia has the manpower and the necessary equipment to take Vukovar but does not wish to use it.

I accuse you, gentlemen, for all the pain Vukovar experienced when it realized that between you, the Croatian Parliament, the Croatian government, the President of the Republic of Croatia and the chetniks - there is no difference.

I accuse you, gentlemen, for all the disgrace you have imposed on the Croatian people while defending them. The Croatian people, gentlemen, have not given you the authority to do all you have done and thus, gentlemen, I accuse you of


I accuse you, gentlemen, for standing before the Croatian symbol, its three-coloured flag-traitors should never be allowed to do this. You have tainted our flag and for that I accuse you. I accuse you gentlemen for exercising that right. It is inadmissible, gentlemen, that you, with whose blessing Vukovar is dying, should sing in praising memory to the people you have condemned to an agonizing death. I accuse you gentlemen for taking part in the massacre of the civilians and the defenders of Vukovar. I finally accuse you for the DEATH OF VUKOVAR

The material evidence of your undeniable guilt will be presented to the Croatian people and the entire world. Do not fool yourselves that you will get to them first, that is impossible, I assure you! I also assure you that you will be remembered in the history as traitors and criminals and that you will be falling asleep and getting up in the morning with the memory of Vukovar.

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