People From The Wild West
`That would be very difficult. We are living in the times when we seem to be in a tunnel where not even the outlines of something which should be a democratic system can be made out. And political figures or statures we come across are in tune with such trends and times. Namely, it is not immanent to people to be good just because they are people and that is the reason why everywhere in the world there are rules and institutions which suppress everything which is bad and selfish in people and in public life. Instead of this, we have a vacuum which is why many things are happening the way they are and according to the rules of the Wild West,'' Kostunica said.
VREME: How is the question of money in politics regulated by these rules you've just mentioned?
Kostunica: In two ways. First, through financing. Political parties are considered to be the extension of the state and because of that are financed from the budget. Equality, access to the general public and control of the public life are ensured this way. And there are rules to be applied in this sense as well. For example, in France a larger amount of money is allotted to the parties according to the number of their representatives in the Parliament, while a smaller portion is distributed to all parties equally. Besides, there is a limit on the funds which the parties may get from other sources. The same applies to the candidates for a seat in the Parliament. For example, the amount which an MP candidate may collect `on the side' cannot exceed 500,000 Franks. Donations are also limited. A physical subject cannot donate more than 30,000 Franks and a legal subject more than 50,000 Franks. The00re are additional details, for example, the amount higher than 2,000 Franks can be paid only by check, companies and firms involved in fortune business cannot be sponsors... All in all, a candidate must submit a report on his income one month after the election. But, naturally, independent press and independent legislature are indispensable for such a system, since it cannot function otherwise. Therefore, it follows that we have to wait for better times, and until then try to change things bit by bit.
VREME: And the statures?
Their number has to be cut down by introducing strict rules on who may take part in the public life.
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