Interview with Milan Panic
VREME: Will you come back to Serbia to participate in the December elections`?
PANIC: I never left political life in Serbia; I am still very involved, but I must tell you the elections as announced are just a trick: a trick to make the world think the ruling regime is really supporting democratic processes. This is really just a power grab and the world will see it for what it is. You cannot have internationally recognized elections in such a short time as two months. I have always said that if I am asked, I will help my native country in whatever way I can. VREME: If yes, which political forces and constituents will you count on?
PANIC: The most important thing right now is for the opposition all the opposition to pull together as a single force. It is not useful to have small fights that are strictly local in nature. We must focus on helping the Serbian people out of the current disaster, that the current ruling regime has brought about by ignoring the true interests of the Serbian people.
VREME: Do you expect Western powers to support you more than they did when you were Prime Minister?
PANIC: The role of the West is important to help us make the transition from Communism to democracy. They don't know exactly what to do because they have never been in this situation before, but they must help not with bombs and weapons. They must help with ideas and election inspectors and free television. These are the basic building blocks of democracy. The road to democracy is not smooth or easy.
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