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March 9, 1992
. Vreme News Digest Agency No 24

Mixed At The Barricades

Of course I see a connection, especially with regard to the referendum result which certain political factors have found startling. SDS (Serbian Democratic Party for Bosnia) did not expect such a result. 63% of the population of B&H voted "yes". Had SDS expected this, all that has happened would have happened earlier, within the framework of a previously determined scenario. So, the referendum result and a monstrous murder are the cause of all this. However, opposite to that one single murder we have 32 Moslems killed, therefore 32:1 in the past five months. So, following the same logic, we should now blockade the cities 32 times. We are glad that all this was done before the eyes of the observers, who will see what it is all about and the world public will get the pictures of this barbarism - of the fact who has formed paramilitary formations and who wants to destabilize B&H.

* Now that you mention it, will these events endanger the decision of the UN to send the "blue helmets"?

No, they won't. We have contacts with certain factors who have informed us that that will not happen. The citizens of Sarajevo lack that certain substance necessary to kill and murder. On the contrary, they have a substance of togetherness and communication. That has been built for over 800 years. That is our strength... The youth of Sarajevo has proved this when more than ten thousand citizens of that town knocked down the barricades. They were the ones who knocked them down and not the agreement made within the B&H presidency. At any rate, there were many nationally mixed barricades... Serbs, Moslems and Croatians alike were at the barricades trying to save Sarajevo from the chetniks of Vojislav Seselj (Serbian extremist).

* Have the news about Seselj been confirmed?

Yes, of course, otherwise we would not have made it public.

* Tell us something about your contacts with the Army during these events.

We are pleased with the way the army has behaved. We want it to realize that this is their last chance to remain in B&H: if they wish to stay they have to be loyal to the authorities and the people.

* What does the B&H Ministry of Interior say about all that?

We went to the B&H Ministry of Interior to check the statement of Irfan Ajanovic that 32 Moslems and one Serb were killed in the past few months as victims of political violence. We spoke with mister Jusuf Pupsin, deputy minister.

* Is the statement of Ajanovic true?

I cannot give you a competent answer at the moment. However, it is true that there were murders. But, before such claim can be confirmed a thorough investigation should be conducted first.

* Has ethnic polarization taken place at the B&H Ministry of Interior?

Certain events after the erection of the barricades point to the fact that such estimates are true, but we cannot say anything concrete at this moment.


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