Whites and Greens-Together
"If the Party of democratic action (SDA) and the Democratic union of Albanians (DSA) join the coalition of People's party of Montenegro (NSCG) and Liberal Union (LS), victory in Montenegro is guaranteed!"
The first question for the President of the People's party was if the general agreement about the need for cooperation between political parties in Serbia and Montenegro might ultimately lead to coalition at the next federal elections?
Kilibarda: I believe that the importance of a coalition of democratic parties at a federal level is twofold: first, it would show that at least someone in this country treats Yugoslavia as a federal state, and secondly, the democratic world would realize that a well organized democratic force is challenging the ruling oligarchies of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS). The participation of People's party of Montenegro (NSCG) in such a union of democratic opposition parties would be particularly important for us, as it would prove that contrary to the propaganda of DPS, the NSCG is not abandoning it party program. The NSCG wants a harmonious federation consisting of two equal federal units- Serbia and Montenegro.
Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO), Democratic party (DS), Democratic party of Serbia (DSS) and the Civil Union of Serbia (GSS) constitute such a force that they could attract every other democratically oriented party in Serbia. In Montenegro the democratic political scene is more harmonious since even if the liberals and maybe social democrats boycott the elections, their votes will go to the federal democratic coalition we are now negotiating. Anyway, even if we do not have common candidates at the next federal election the meeting which took place in Podgorica will still have important implications for political life in Serbia and Montenegro.
One has the impression that in spite of some differences, three leading opposition parties in Montenegro never had any doubts about the benefits of unification.
The NSCG and the Liberal union (LS) got democracy on the move in Montenegro. The ruling party lived under the illusion that continuous battles between the NS and the LS, or the "Whites and the Greens" as they are commonly called, will enable it to sustain its autocratic and semi-autocratic rule. The DPS and its regime, shocked by the fact that the two opposition parties found a common political language, and are now trying to convince the public that such a union is artificial and unnatural. A whole dictionary of words has been used by the authorities to qualify the People's party and its relationship with the Liberals.
What are the chances of your coalition winning at the next election?
The chances are great! If the Party of democratic action (SDA) and the Democratic union of Albanians (DSA) join the coalition, victory is guaranteed! Even if they do not, chances are still great. Let this be an invitation to the two parties I just mentioned to join the coalition of NS, LS, and the SDP. If they do not join, I am sure they will regret it sooner or later.
At the "Podgorica summit" some party leaders expressed the opinion that the transfer of power is not the most important aim of the federal elections, but the reform of the system and redefinition of the federal state. Has there been any consensus on this matter?
We agreed that SPS and DPS are not capable of resolving social and constitutional problems faced by Serbia and Montenegro, that is the federal state. The fact that Serbian constitution is not consistent with the federal one demonstrates that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was not created to suit its citizens but the interests of two ruling parties, or rather the one leader. Referendum in Montenegro was undemocratic while in Serbia the decision was reached in parliament dominated by one party.
What will be your main arguments in the fight with the DPS at the next election?
Uros Klikovac, minister of justice in the Federal government said that the link between the state and the Mafia in our country is "visible with the naked eye".
This is a good enough reason to substitute the current government with a better and more responsible one. Erosion of social norms, international isolation, flirting with the communist past and accounts in Cyprus are issues over which SPS and DPS will break. Besides all this, the fate of Krajina, Sarajevo and Slavonia is sufficient to send the current regime into history.
In the past, you used to mention Prevlaka as one of the reasons for removing the current government?
Yes, Mr. Bulatovic is complaining that Mr. Tudjman broke the "gentlemen's agreement" they reached during their talks. Now that the fun is over and Prevlaka has been swallowed by Croatia, Tudjman is in a position to bargain. Bulatovic is promising that he will solve the Prevlaka situation after the election. Political incompetence to solve this problem would be sufficient for Bulatovic's regime to fall.
What would be the first move of a coalition government, if you swap places with the DPS?
Expropriation, legal expropriation of property which DPS inherited from the old Union of Communists (SK). It includes palaces, technical equipment and other property. Let me give you an example. The headquarters of the former SK now belongs to the DPS which is renting it out to the Montenegrin Government. Federal money is thus finding its way to the treasury of the DPS, or put in more simple words, Montenegrin president Momir Bulatovic is renting a building to Milo Djukanovic.
Do you think that the Socialist will hand over power that easily?
That I am not sure. Svetozar Marovic once said in an interview that the DPS is ready to accept any election result. Imagine Bill Clinton saying that he will accept any result of American elections. We are witnessing things that are unimaginable in the democratic world. So, one ought to be cautious when talking about the readiness of DPS and SPS to, as they would put it, "accept" any other government except their own. May god help us!
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