Back to the Woods
The only thing left is to see how the battle shall be terminated between the two rivals over first place, i.e. over the position of main culprit for the collapse which has already occurred. Even that isn't all that uncertain since Vuk Draskovic has acquired an almost unattainable lead towards the finish line .
In order to carry on with this story, let's first agree that all of this is horrible, shameful and unforgivable, and that we do not in the least deserve neither such a government nor such an opposition. Each and every one of the persistent strollers has the right to remain rooted to this spot, to preserve the chastity of his bitterness and turn his back upon Draskovic, Djindjic, parties and politics once and for all. Some may wish to swallow their whistles; others will swear that they shall only stroll along deserted fields in the future. For those whose every ounce of will for life has not been destroyed by the disagreements of the opposition leaders, who have no intention of succumbing to illness, alcohol or insanity because of Draskovic and Djindjic, a way out always exists as well as life-preserving reasoning. Therefore, as an example, a consoling statement would be that Coalition Zajedno has actually managed to hold out for an unusually long period of time according to the local standards, dynamics and tempo of overall collapse. Aren't we living in times of false alliances, friendships, promises and forfeited money, the only real things being deceit, theft, cheating and betrayals? At least that's how it is in the so-called public life, so why would Draskovic and Djinjdic be an exception?
These two truly believe that each has personally gained a lot during the civil protest so that, as opposed to the ordinary strollers, even a separation doesn't seem so tragic to them. Beside that, both of them are hoping that at the time of the coalition partition, they shall walk off with the larger part. That is the real reason why the coalition is collapsing and why Draskovic and Djindjic are mutually accusing each other; why no one dares take over responsibility, thereby dragging out the agony for such a long time. However, I believe that we shall all feel better if we view that matter as resolved and if we stop all stories on keeping Coalition Zajedno alive. There is still time to construct reserve positions, election combinations and strategies of definitely lesser quality, and even such a coalition possibly has a better future if it isn't artificially kept alive but rather reconstructed from the beginning.
Yet at the top of the coalition, centrifugal forces dominate. The opposition supporters, who make up a clear majority in Serbia, shall most probably soon have to decide between the parties and the leaders who seemed to have merged in their eyes. Those who believe that the most important issue is to be in good company and not feel guilty nor indebted shall choose Vesna Pesic. Those who see her as unconvincing and too small shall opt for Djindjic. Vuk Draskovic shall, or so it seems to me, deservingly be the greatest loser, since he has just decided to narrow down the number of his supporters to the most fervent ones, those he had started his political career off with.
A few theories exist which explain why Draskovic has all of a sudden persistently started to demean the opposition's and his own political chances. The interpretation which would suit him best is the one which lists naiveté and stupidity, however I am afraid that it just won't do as an explanation for his last appearance at Ravna Gora (Chetnik stronghold). However, I do not wish to get involved in guessing games on all possible motives. I do not know nor would I wish to know more on that subject. Due to Vuk Draskovic's previous worthy gestures, I won't say anything more about him other than what has to be said now.
His starting point in times past was - the Chetniks, Draza (Chetnik leader), Ravna Gora and the king. That was when communism was collapsing globally and it could have seemed only natural that it would wipe out and annul all that reminds of communism even in Serbia, including the partisans' victory in that war. That wouldn't have been either the first nor the last historical reshuffle. We don't know what the consequences would have been if that had been achieved then, however what we do know is that Milosevic has managed to salvage a bit of communism by tampering with the most extreme nationalism. That morbid combination was so consoling that the visit of Prince Aleksandar himself to Serbia didn't manage to jeopardize it, while the final balance, I suppose, is the worst possible one.
In any case, owing to the delirious support of the nationalists, Milosevic managed to consume much of the romantic hope, energy and illusions on a national revival. The idea of restoring the monarchy and the theme of the so-called national reconciliation, i.e. rehabilitation of the Chetniks, has lost a lot of its initial attraction while the country was faced with more pressing, larger and more vital problems.
Vuk Draskovic had to have been aware of these changes. Over the last few years even he himself did not overly insist on a king and Draza, other than to maintain consistency and continuity. Which is why his thunderous return to the woods, i.e. to Ravna Gora, seems so inexplicable and illogical where he once again, just as before, managed to rally a picturesque mass of alleged warriors and insurgents who - in a true soldier-like fashion- demonstrated their alleged combat readiness by firing their Kalashnikovs. Their leader himself, whose ties suit him less and less, sent out a message to all those who still didn't know it, that a republic equals communism.
So that is the pretty, endlessly valuable gift to Slobodan Milosevic. As the main electoral topic, Draskovic is probably handing him the only battle which Milosevic can definitely win, since it was won more than half a century ago. In the meantime, Milosevic lost all that could be lost, and he definitely finds it more agreeable when someone reminds him of the successes of his remote predecessors. He would find it a lot easier to listen to and answer the accusations concerning half a century of communism than those which pertain to the ten years of his rule or to the perspectives of Serbia.
The arguments in the principled discussion on monarchy and republic are known and are of no real importance here. However, it must be obvious that the half-famished people are more interested in things to come than things that occurred in the far away past. It is also plainly evident that the story on Draza and the monarchy cannot be successfully presented as the main problem of Serbia's future. Namely, if what we have before us is a modern monarchy where the king does not hold any real power, then it is less apparent why his return would be so beneficial. Finally, if the regime in Serbia truly feared the return of the Karadjordjevic dynasty, we would have already been aware of this as Seselj would have unveiled his royal candidate once again, just like he did once with some Nemanjic-Dolgoruki-Romanov. This time Seselj handed both the Chetniks and Ravna Gora over to Draskovic and that is a sure sign that it is heading nowhere.
I am inclined to conclude that Vuk Draskovic, due to some reason, only wishes to remain the first man of the opposition and to definitely miss yet another chance for a victory. When someone radicalizes his stands, clanking guns at the same time prior to the elections, that is no longer a simple mistaken evaluation. That is isolationism and a refusal to admit any potential ally, which no one who ever wished to win a majority of votes ever did.
I see no honorable explanation for such conduct. I have the impression that he is on his way out from the scene and should be aided in that. He was a strange, contradictory person, yet all those who wish to remember him for his brave and chivalrous gestures shall not have a hard time uncovering them. During some of his worst periods and situations he knew how to take the right stand and to react in a humane way. However, this truly is no longer his season.
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