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August 16, 1997
. Vreme News Digest Agency No 306

Statements About the Elections

Zoran Djindjic, President of the Democratic Party:

"Running in the elections under existing conditions is stupidity. There can be no compromise about the basic conditions for democratic reforms in Serbia. It should be absolutely clear to everyone that elections under such conditions will bring no changes and that SPS has already scored with its 130 representatives. In a situation where the opposition does not enter the race, the number of their representatives will be 160, with Lilic winning in the first round, because the election terms are set up for electoral theft which will be impossible to control this time."

Vuk Draskovic, President of the Serbian Renewal Movement:

"SPO must not leave Serbia's destiny up to this regime and the parties which have torn the coalition Zajedno. It would be dishonorable for the largest Serbian opposition group to evade the election battlefield. The decision of SPO to run in the elections is the decision of democratic Serbia to run in the elections. We asked for the de-blocking of the media only for those parties which will participate in the elections, and not for those that lead the anti-election campaign. The participating parties should enjoy equal conditions. This is what we asked for, and this is what we'll get. I believe that all of the conditions will be fulfilled. We shall achieve victory."

Vojislav Kostunica, President of the Democratic Party of Serbia:

"The forthcoming elections in Serbia can not be legitimate if they are, due to unequal conditions, boycotted by a great number of people. The elections have become a real nightmare, an expression of deep social and political crisis and, to a certain degree, of the responsibility of the current government. OEBS will certainly insist on fulfilling the conditions of the Gonzales's report, and since these terms have not been met, absence from the elections becomes legitimate. Even if we remain inactive, the potential electorate which will boycott the elections by itself will be beyond 40%. Frustration and apathy is even greater than a year ago. The anti-election campaign will enlarge this number so that less than 50% of the electorate will vote."

Vesna Pesic, President of the Citizens Alliance of Serbia (GS):

"GS will not participate in the elections under unequal conditions. The Serbian regime has not fulfilled the terms of the Gonzales's report. In spite of sharp protests by the opposition, and by breaking the rules set in the Serbian Parliament's written operating procedures, the number of election units has been expanded, and the Parliament has not been disbanded despite the fact that the forthcoming September elections are premature. It is necessary to form a wide front of the parties supporting the election boycott, and also of the joint bodies leading the anti-election campaign."

A statement issued after the GSS session:

"None of the terms of the Agreement On Minimal Election Terms have been fulfilled, and the regime has not shown the least good will to discuss this matter seriously, nor is it willing to seriously consider the recommendations of the OEBS commission. GS believes that only a strong and cooperative alliance of democratic forces guarantees fair elections and a way out of this long crisis in Serbia."

Vojislav Seselj, President of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS):

"The elections are being boycotted by unimportant parties which are unable to win a single seat in the parliament anyway, and maybe only the Democratic Party could win several mandates in Belgrade. The September parliamentary and presidential elections in Serbia will show the consistency, political impartiality and strength of the programs of both the political parties and their presidential candidates, and SRS will run in the elections with great optimism."

Dragan Veselinov, President of the National Peasant Party (NSS) and one of the leaders of the Vojvodina Coalition:

"There is a growing mood in Vojvodina in favor of the elections. Most of the electorate support the elections, and also those people who think politically, so we do not understand the wave of defeatism on which the Belgrade opposition has decided not to run in the elections. We from the NSS and the Vojvodina Coalition support the idea of fighting the Socialists, to win political ground, step by step. We do not believe that one who participates in the elections gives legitimacy to the regime. This regime is not legitimate. It obtained power by coup; we have been constantly reminding of this fact, and still we participated in the elections in '90, '92, '93 and '96, and we never thought that we were giving legitimacy to the regime. Those who refuse to participate in the elections are taking the side of guns and the streets. We believe that this is not the appropriate way for Serbia."

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