Orthodox Christmas Eve 1997 - Orthodox Christmas Eve 1998
In our political history, there is one sentence spoken by Milan Stojadinovic at some gathering in Nis, which says that last week, for when the gathering was scheduled and then for some reason canceled, it rained, and that on the day when the gathering finally happened, the sun was shining, which meant, as Stojadinovic said, that God was with us and that we would win... Something has gone astray in this calculation with the skies above.
On January 6 last year, the night was cold and foggy, and thousands of people in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Nis were in the streets. The celebration of the Orthodox Christmas was closely connected with the public service that hundreds of thousands of people were performing in the streets of the cities, from day to day. Last year's energy is gone, dispersed through time and space. Chances are ruined, and hope for change has diminished, thanks to the leaders, to whom not even the Dear Almighty with its rain and winds can help - nor even to us, with them such as they are.
This January the sky was clear, the air warm, and the public scene cold and somber.
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