Examples of Absurdity in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian War
To complete the farce, the diplomacy of the ever able President of the Republic of Croatia, Franjo Tudjman, who sees the only solution to the problem of Bosnia-Herzegovina as an ethnic confederation, is widely advertised. Before this, Croatia most certainly recognized the sovereignty and the integrity of B&H within its present borders and made it clear that it had no pretensions towards its neighbor. Is there not enough madness in this madhouse? Does no-one except the Bosnians and Herzegovians understand that the division of B&H along the line of nationality will only make this war all the more bestial? Does the fact that the workers of Serb nationality in the hotel in Ilidza cried when they saw off their colleagues of Moslem and Croatian nationality when it was decided by the so-called Serbian Municipal Council in Ilidza that they were no longer needed? Does it mean nothing that for weeks Serbs in the Sarajevo suburb of Hrasnica, which is surrounded by forces of the SDS B&H and JNA, did not stay in the cellars with their Moslem neighbors when SDS leaders came round to establish in person whether they were hostages to the Moslems or staying with their neighbors voluntarily?
Did the Headquarters of the B&H Territorial Defense not distance itself from the rash and extreme actions inside its ranks of the conceited warriors who arrested Professor Dr. Svetozar Koljevic, the well-known and respected brother of Professor Dr. Nikola Koljevic, former member of the B&H Presidency and one of the B&H SDS leaders? Did Mr. Svetozar Koljevic not accept the apologies of the officials and remain in the Sarajevo suburb of Visnjik, even though he could have left the city whenever he wanted to? Didn't the member of the B&H TD headquarters, Colonel Jovan Divjak, say that this body was not satisfied with the work of the military police of the B&H TD, and that it would be necessary to introduce more discipline and order into these units so that the war and personal feelings and passions do not take precedence over law and order, even if it is martial law and order?
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