Black and Red
The press reported that the Radical Party "Nikola Pasic", led by Sinisa Vucinic, is planning on joining JUL. The agreement on coordinated action will be signed when the Left Block decides. The President of JUL, Ljubisa Ristic, has no problems with that. He pointed to the fact that "23 parties initiated the formation of a movement. It is necessary for every member to sign consent individually". And that's all. Vucinic's initiative appears to confirm old ideas of our Left on the patriotic front being "sentenced to success".
The town at large is still in confusion, however. What is it that this self-proclaimed Duke, this nationalist, this monarchist, anti-Communist, antisemite, racist and metaphysician shares with the "revolutionary avantguard" of directors and businessmen?
DUKE: Vucinic became0famous when on September 1992 he was proclaimed "the National Duke of Serbia"; the supple twenty-five-year-old was the leader of the United Serbian Royalist Youth until that time. The initiation was conducted in the Serbian Royalist Movement (SRP), and was blessed by Father Momcilo Djujic. In his inaugural address, Vucinic announced a war against crime in Serbia, and promised the help of his youth in collecting the harvest.
When the other Duke - Ph.D. Vojislav Seselj - dubbed him a "corn picking Duke", Vucinic challenged him to a duel and told him that "not even the entire police force of the President, whose favorite he is, would be able to rescue him". Epilogue: the police were rescuing Vucinic when a group of young men proceeded to rearrange his features in Dom Omladine on November 1992.
In the meantime, the newfangled Duke spoke in an interview for Spiegel about leading 1,500 "Serbian eagles", about how in battle he had killed "hundreds of Muslims and Croats, and hundreds of prisoners whom he shot as commander", and about how he consciously wishes for the Cyrillic initials "SS", carried by his men, to be associated with Hitler's "SS". When Tanjug carried the interview, he kept circulating around Belgrade's editorial offices, all in a tizzy, claiming that everything was invented, and threatening to sue Spiegel. That weekly informed him of the recording that exists of his interview...
The fist and scandal cooled Vucinic's head: now he stays well clear of war and fronts. His next actions were the kidnapping of an Albanian, a street dealer in foreign currency, whom he held under house arrest for several days, and calling to battle the Hungarians of Vojvodina. He was arrested, but the criminal investigation against him was never carried out.
By the middle of May of 1993, Vucinic was calling on old foreign currency savings accounts holders to demonstrate. If the state does not pay them off, he promised, he intended to kidnap rich Jews and communists as ransom. There were also threats made against UNPROFOR: for every Serb killed, Vucinic swore, his SRP would liquidate a "hundred UN soldiers".
In a list of similar moves by Vucinic, two more are deserving of mention: supposed meetings with Dobroslav Paraga (Croatian Law Party) and Ljupce Gergijevski (VMRO-DPMNE), and with the terrorist organization "Golden Hand". In the first, he negotiated with Paraga about the division of Bosnia, and with Gergijevski he signed a military pact on the fight against "Islamic Fundamentalists and pan-Turks". The objective of the "Golden Hand", which "has over 20 million DEM and has centers throughout Europe", was supposedly the liquidation of Dietrich Genscher, Willi Klaus, Robert Dole and other "Serb haters". Every "assassin's hand will turn to gold", Vucinic guaranteed. In the same period (1995), Rlacks in Belgrade were beginning to grind on his nerves.
On December 17, 1997, Vucinic became President of Pasic's Party; he joined the party twenty-four hours earlier. Since then his unlimited support of the regime has been ceaseless, along with constant mudslinging against the opposition in the state daily Borba. In the last federal and republican elections, Pasic's Party won 47,000, that is to say 16,000 votes, remaining a non-parliamentary party. Vucinic, for his part, has grown more stalky, slightly square - just as was expected.
LEFT - RIGHT: Vucinic and Pesic's Party and JUL are naturally directed toward each other. The black shirts and the red shirts here are so alike that in fact they melt into a kind of rosy hue. The mental attitude is identical: just as the Duke turned his "assassin's" hands into gold, in the same way at the peak of last year's citizens' protests JUL was subjected to extremely unconvincing bomb attacks. The fascination with police is also common: political life without a truncheon is unimaginable for them both. The only difference is that the Left has a firm grip on it, while the Duke can feel its persuasive tickle on his backside at any moment; that is why he fears the Secret Service, that is why he lies prostrate before it, that is why - it is claimed - he does everything he is asked.
Thus, JUL acinic's "collecting of the harvest" and citizenship in the "Metaphysical State of the Serbian Monarchy" are in accordance with the President's Wife's writings about tilled soil, butterflies, trees and flowers. Also, just as Ph.D. Markovic is know to have said that the Moon is a planet, so the National Duke was prone to discoveries of how Coalition Vojvodina in actual fact wishes to join - Germany. Finally, the "cooperation" with Paraga and Gergijevski is on par with JUL's "Yugo nostalgia"...
Vucinic has proclaimed Slobodan Milosevic as the Second Pasic: in awe of his political farsightedness and ability, for some time now he has been trying to outdo the most sycophant Leftists. Still, that which ties this unfulfilled Duke and the Left is that they are ready to do anything for an apartment, commercial space, duty free cargo, import permits, kiosks in good locations... In all this, Vucinic is still small, but a veritable political exhibitionist who is trying to sponge - what he can.
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