I Am Working On Becoming More Known
Goran Svilanovic's current campaign, consisting of a series of advertisements containing his photo and his messages, has been evaluated by the experts for political marketing as the only clever initiative of the opposition in a long run. Experts say that with this campaign Svilanovic has not only become more known to the public, but he also increased the number of his supporters and potential voters.
"VREME": How come that you commenced your campaign so early?
SVILANOVIC: Nothing has been done haphazardly. The aim of this campaign is to become more known to the public, and I am glad that the experts for political marketing approve of it. To tell the truth, my campaign had been prepared by their colleagues, only the ads had been done by various advertising firms rather than by marketing agencies.
"VREME": Is this the introduction into the real campaign and when do you plan to start it?
SVILANOVIC: For this campaign we prepared six ads in the printed media, plus an additional one. Our spots are being aired by the local television programs in the provincial towns of Serbia. Belgrade has not seen them so far, because Vuk Draskovic still has not approved their airing on Studio B. The spots will be aired throughout Serbia until the end of this month, and I expect them to be on Belgrade's television programs by that time, too. All these should in the end develop into a campaign.
"VREME": What do you plan to do?
SVILANOVIC: We are going to make a promotion tour through Serbia. First, there will be a TV presentation, then a public discussion with audience in the same city, then we shall invite the citizens to make their written remarks in the Book of Complaints to enable us to see what their problems are and what their dissatisfaction is about. On the basis of this, we shall later on decide which of our party experts will be the next to visit their town to discuss their problems with them.
"VREME": Let's go back to your campaign. Who gave you the money?
SVILANOVIC: I will probably surprise you, but Diaspora helped me. It is not only the chetniks who make Diaspora, but it is also the people of my age, the educated people and the students who have good and well-paid jobs abroad, and who decided to help me.
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