In the Name of Patriotism?!
There was a rally of the 'sexually discriminated', scheduled for the occasion of the Pride Day, and it was supposed to be crowned with a gay parade, with the intention of incorporating Belgrade among other world capitals. Many right wing and 'patriotic' organisations were warning the organisers that they would everything to thwart both the rally and the parade. Those aware that every public meeting never commences on time and therefore arrived beforehand, got the worst out of it. The actual rally did not take place at all - the spankers made the first move.
The supporters of the concept that God Himself prescribed who is allowed to share the bed with whom, and that it is the only way of preserving the Serbian population, 'heroically' beat up a few tens of the participants. Among them a local multimedia artist, just because he was wearing his tight leather trousers. he was immediately singled out as 'queer'.
'It is a very strange way of understanding democracy in Serbia', a wandering radio correspondent reported. The present policemen acted more or less like judges, who estimated the right measure of violence. 'Don't pounce on the police', said a coordinator of one of the groups, after the policemen had got involved in it. However, they did not get away with it without injuries. 'This was extremely heroic, to assault them from the rear!', shouted a policemen with resignation, as if he wanted to remind them of a hitherto fair play. The flight through Belgrade downt-town side streets ended by police shooting in the air. The 'heroes' returned victoriously and beat up all those who protested against such behaviour and in favour of the beaten up. The whole event was repeated once more at the Republic Square.
Aggression that had mounted was reflected upon the reactions of incidental passer-bys. 'Don't worry', said an old rock&roll fan to a bike rider. 'They'll finish with those with long hair and then pass on to you, bikers.' 'Are 'queens' supposed to raise our children? Do you want Serbia to collapse like the Western Europe, like America, like the whole world?!', shouted a lop-eared young man waring Serbian nationalist insignia. He tried to convince some middle-aged ladies that it is the only way of punishing blasphemers'. Archpriest Zarko Gavrilovic explains that homosexual orientation is a sin, but that they do not hate homosexuals, only their sin. The Church, of course, did not give any public statement on this occasion. It rather gave a silent approval as in many similar situations so far, but it is trying to attest to the tolerance as a result of religious studies.
At the main square one could see black-red and red-white insignia of various clubs, a black standard 'For the King and the Fatherland - Freedom or Death', the supporters of monarchy, the eagle emblems on Chetnik caps, one chap with a tattooed rose on his neck, 'skinheads' and a crowd of youngsters, with already defined idols in their minds. They gathered there for the sake of their mutual objective, almost pleasurable: to give a spanking to the weaker, to lynch the unlike-minded. Some were led by the idea of the godly sexual principles and the principles of their fatherland, while others only looked for an excuse for indulging in a mass spanking.
Victoriously singing the song 'Kill, kill, kill the queens', the throng, seeking for more action, could not help but 'popping into the premises of the Social-Democratic Union, and set off towards the Student Cultural Centre to prevent the happening of a scheduled meeting and discussion on the subject of sexual freedoms or something like that.
The conflict with the police has already reached a serious degree, guns were aimed at the people, but shots were fired in the air. The 'heroes' did not yield before the weapons, believing those would not be seriously brought into play. At one point, they even allowed the police to withdraw, but when the backup arrived, the hooligans were finally crushed.
'We should give them a spanking', says one of the best-looking female in the Belgrade down-town neighbourhood. 'So many available women, and they still hang around and sleep with men!' But, she immediately added: 'I would rather spend my whole life with a gay then with one of those stinky vandals.'
The epilogue of the parade were thirty detained hooligans, several of which are under aged, 'as a consequence of disturbing the official officers in carrying out their duties', fourteen injured participants in the parade, etc. The responsibility of the coordinators of the event is still not mentioned. Someone powerful seems to be protecting them. It should be noted that the law enforcement officers were armed with shooters, instead of tear gas, and that they were deficient in number for controlling the situation.
'Lesbians are smacking us, football fans are calling us queens', says the president of the police syndicate. And they claim that their human rights seem to be at stake.
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