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February 22, 1993
. Vreme News Digest Agency No 74

Novak Kilibarda, Leader of the People's Party of Montenegro

by Velizar Brajovic

Montenegrin authorities proffered a hand of friendship to the opposition. Was this move a result of recent developments in the Federal State?

Montenegrin authorities are making some clever and dexterous moves, since they are taking those recent developments in Serbia as a negative example. They are drawing very attractive moves, one must admit, but I would reveal one of their secrets. This event in the Serbian Parliament (the adoption of a law on the election MPs to the Federal Parliament which prevents opposition deputies from entering it) actually had a dress rehearsal in Montenegro. On the previous federal elections, the People's Party did not want to participate because the elections were utterly undemocratic, so that the ruling Montenegro Party was left without a democratic witness. However, the Radicals showed up. In a few days' time, with a helping hand from the ruling party, they promoted their bloc and managed to get several MPs into Parliament.

After this, the ruling party passed a legal act overnight allowing opposition MPs to act against the will of their own parties. As a result, the majority of MPs began to follow the line of the dominant party. The People's Party faced a crisis, and malicious stories were spread about that we were falling to pieces. However, we survived and we are now stronger than ever. The authorities learned a lesson from this, and afterwards acted in a more democratic manner than the Serbian Government. I must admit, it was all very cleverly done.

You often mentioned a strong federation, emphasizing the necessity to preserve Montenegro's statehood, with the slogan "always with Serbia, but never under or above". How do you perceive the growing number of voices calling for unitarization with Serbia, and plans to transform Montenegro into one of Serbia's 7-13 provinces or districts?

The People's Party's stand continues to be that the peoples of Serbia and Montenegro would not stand a chance unless they lived together in a steady federal state. The concept of a "strong federal state" and "the further existance of the federal units" is not contradictory. Unfortunately, there are tendencies in both republics to go their separate ways. In fact, the proponents of these tendencies act as support to one another. Montenegrin separatists wish to see Montenegro as an independent, sovereign state whatever it might take, regardless all the consequences that might erupt from such a situation; Serbian separatists wish to see Montenegro as an ordinary province or district.

The People's Party was constantly accused for being a party which supports the idea of a Greater Serbia, and wishes to incorporate Montenegro into Serbia. However, we proved that we are the most serious guardians of both the federal state and of Montenegro's statehood. Montenegro has to be equal in every respect with Serbia. If not, the outcome will not be a happy one. We must not forget that Serbia and Montenegro were two different states for a long time. It would be better if we could leave it to the distant future, to erase all differences regarding borders between the two states. If, in future, personal and short term interests prevail in the Federal Parliament it will be a long time before this country stops suffering.

What do analyses made by your party say regarding Constitutional violations by Federal members?

It seems that the Serbian Constitution has more confederal elements than Montenegrin one. The fact that the majority of Serbian politicians didn't mention the federal state in their inaugural speeches - was not very nice. There are some confederal elements in all three Constitutions, so it seems that the bonds between them are very shaky.

There are frequent complaints that Serbia leads in violations of the Federal Constitution?

That may be possible, but I am more concerned about Montenegro's ruling Party whose leaders are hiding all these facts. Sometimes one can hear something of these problems from minor officials. In other words, Montenegrin authorities lack a vision of statehood.

Under the Constitution, the ruling Party cannot separate Montenegro from the Federal State without a referendum.

How do you feel about keeping President of Yugoslavia Dobrica Cosic and his Prime Minister Milan Panic in constant state of uncertainty? Namely, what do you think about the announced dismissal of Dobrica Cosic?

The toppling of Prime Minister Panic's was only the overture in bringing down President Dobrica Cosic. The executionary is not important, but the one giving the order. When I say this, you must bear in mind that I'm angry with Dobrica Cosic. We are friends since days of our struggles for civil rights. I have a very high opinion of him, both as a writer and a person. However, if I were to speak as the leader of the People's Party, I would have much reason to criticize Mr. Cosic and to be very spiteful.

Trying to find some legal catch in order to prove that Cosic had, allegedely, violated the Constitution, is to preform an ugly and dishonest task. In other words, a nation which likes to emphasize its "heavenly dimension", is constantly trying to destroy a President who will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the country's great men.

Is it possible to avoid war conflicts in this part of former Yugoslavia?

In case somebody were to undertake separate moves aimed at challenging the authority of the federal institutions - there could be a war. There is a tremendous amount of hate among those people. And there is a lot of war profiteering. There are many people who don't care about their country's destiny. If it comes to war, there will no less bloodshed then in Bosnia. Let's hope it will never happen. It's better to have a petty politician who avoids bloodshed, than one of grand designs who speaks in favor of it.

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