Politically Correct "Slobodna Dalmacija"
How was the strike of the "Slobodna Dalmacija" employees brought to an end?
The strike was ended by the majority decision. The majority out of about one hundred jounalists, whose, it is important to stress, political beliefs and affiliations differ, in the end decided to continue working after all. There were several reasons for such a decision, such as the loss of hope, concern for personal existence, fear from being fired, etc.
How many journalists of the "Slobodna Dalmacija" have bought the shares in their paper?
Only 25 percent of the company's total value came in the hands of the "Slobodna Dalmacija-Novine" employees. The rest, which is over 70 percent, now belongs to the state funds and banks. Knowing the structure of the Croatian banks, that is in the state ownership as well.
Will in your opinion the circulation figure of the "Slobodna Dalmacija" drop due to changes in the paper's editorial policy?
The "Slobodna Dalmacija" had a circulation between 90,000 and 100,000. The new editiorial staff will try to keep it there, without making any abrupt and over-night changes in the paper's structure. However, we shall see what will happen in two or three months time when the Goebbelsian propaganda gains momentum.
Has any Croatian paper been allowed autonomous ownership transformation?
Yes. It is the Rijeka daily "Novi list". But, they had a number of mitigationg circumstances. Firstly, the Croatian Democratic Community was not in power in Rijeka. Secondly, and more importantly, the "Novi list" was considered to be marginal and regional paper without a far-reaching influence so that the authorities were not overly concerned with it. The situation was exactly opposite in the case of the "Slobodna Dalmacija".
Does this mean that, for example, the journalists, who had previously worked for the "Slobodna Dalmacija" and whose cooperation with the paper is now banned, could continue to work by writing for the "Novi list"?
A large number of Croatian journalists, who are good professionals, are now jobless. If the "Novi list" engaged some of them, I believe, it would be of mutual benefit. That might be some kind of a way out. Everything has died down. Utter confusion has been created.
Will the new "Slobodna Dalmacija"have the "Feral Tribune" satirical supplement?
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