The World Revolves Around The Serbs
"Some," he said, "will die of the lack of medicines, food and everything else, which is health. But, a smaller number of people, will take this as a confirmation that the Serbs are a mythic people, since they were crucial in the First World War (the Sarajevo assassination) and in the Second World War (Hitler's delay due to an attack on our country, which, allegedly, prevented him from toppling Stalin) and now. In my opinion, it suits these people, somewhere deep inside of them, that everything important in the world revolves around the Serbs"
The Vance-Owen plan, it goes without saying, should by no means be accepted. The voices which have been outcrying one another these days in an effort to support these thesis deserve more attention.
If the "echoes and reactions" to the latest U.N. Security Council Resolution on Yugoslavia are carefully read, several accents comprising the basis of the Serbian NO to the whole world can be made out. The announcement of the Federal Government, thus, stated that "the information coming from the Serbs in Bosnia is being ignored." The Government reminded of "continuous and constructive efforts" by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which have particularly this year been directed at "urgent and unconditional cessation of armed conflicts and establishing of fair and lasting peace." The Security Council has neglected this and if it continues to do so, then "the question of any sense in the Federal Yugoslavia's further engagement in overcoming the crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina may be raised." As if he already were a member of the Yugoslav Government, Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb leader, on the very same day announced walking out of the peace conference, and gave the following explanation, "I assume that our Parliament will decide that we leave the peace conference." The conclusion is quite clear: They are not listening to us. They are ignoring our merits. From the very beginning the Serbs have supported peace and peace only. They, however, will not let us fight for peace, so that we will not fight any more.
The syndrome of David (us) and Goliath (them) is also present; the only difference is that the Serbian David is armed with paranoia, instead a slingshot. Nothing is so hysterical, that it could not be made more hysterical. The advocates of the new world order have only proved with the latest resolution "that they will not hesitate in crushing everything which may even partially be in they way," claims the Government of the Republic of Serb Krajina in its announcement. "The Security Council resembles the Inquisition Tribunal," Gojko Djogo, the President of the Association of the Serbs from B-H, has assessed. The resolution comes as a consequence of a "powerful dictate of the German neoexpansionism," Radomir Smiljanic (leader of 'patriotic' movement "White Rose") has said.
The Serbs have not become victims only now. They have actually been hated since the time immemorial, "There is no need to doubt that the world will miss a big opportunity in this one hundred years of the anti-Serb policy" (Miroslav Toholj, the Information Minister of the Serb Republic in Bosnia). Goran Percevic, the deputy leader of the Serbian Socialist Party has said that "the Resolution represents the climax of injustice towards the Federal Yugoslavia," while Member of the Serbian Arts and Sciences Antonije Isakovic claims that that "the humankind is going through the darkest phase in the history of civilization." Milivoje Pavlovic, the Serbian Information Minister has assessed the situation from the professional angle, "We are witness to the twilight of the world media... I'm positive that this period of the media activities will be mentioned in some future history of journalism as... the period of journalistic dishonor."
But, the prominent personalities of the domestic, political and public life have not stopped at making assessments only; that would be very much like criticizing, which is utterly unsuitable ever since the communism. Some solutions within a wide range are also being offered.
"The world will be ashamed of its actions one day," Biljana Plavsic, Vice President of the Serb Republic in Bosnia, has pointed out. Not only will they be ashamed, but no two stones will remain on top of each other, says a more severe school of thought, epitomized primarily in Momo Kapor (writer) and Milos Sobajic (painter). "I feel fear for the world which tends to blackmail and attack at Easter. That is the war against God which has never been won... One people, which had been pushed against the wall, could out of desperation turn into an explosive and blow up the Balkans, Europe and the whole new world order" (Kapor). "I sincerely wish NATO rushed into a sort of military intervention. I'm sure that would be their first and last time" (Sobajic).
Besides this, the new sanctions do not seem to be anything special according to Vojislav Seselj, the leader of the Serbian Radical Party. He says that "there is nothing we can't endure as long as we are unanimous and united."
This thesis has been expanded by Dragos Kalajic, and some trully interesting conclusions appaeared, "This anti-Serb resolution provides the last opportunity of the Serbs to get rid of all illusions and the dead weight. That is a chance for the Copernican turn in all aspects of defense, for the victorious counter offensive." Kalajic has also given an additional explanation; it would be a pity not to quote him, "It is necessary to make connections will all political and economic powers in Europe which are against the new world order. It is necessary to ensure their support for the heroic struggle for the defense of Europe." The prospects are fantastic, "In the field of economics, a radical orientation to the autochtonous operation is necessary, taking as a model those countries which have responded to the challenge of the sanctions and blockade by turning to their own resources and powers, and achieved spectacular economic revivals..."
There are quite bizarre suggestions as well. Slobodanka Gruden, the Mayor of Belgrade, believes that "at this point silence would be the only right answer to the latest Security Council resolution."
Konstantin Obradovic says that the only thing left for us to do is to sign the Vance-Owen plan, since the international community could, otherwise, adopt a new, more serious resolution. Professor Gaso Knezevic of the Law Faculty in Belgrade believes that if we do not sign the plan today, we will sign it tomorrow, but we shall have to pay a million for what used to cost ten dinars. The moderate voices are, naturally, not looking forward to military intervention.
"The war solution cannot result in lasting peace... The relations on the territory of former Yugoslavia cannot be established on the blood and the graves of new victims," Professor Miladin Zivotic of the Philosophical Faculty in Belgrade has stated. "The Balkan, Bosnian and Serbian reality is much more complex than it is thought to be in the West," Vojislav Kostunica, the leader of the Democratic Party of Serbia, has noted, adding that "the new sanctions and limited military intervention will not move us closer to peace, but will only intensify the armed conflict." Djordjo Antalj, the owner of "Gemax" from Belgrade, believes that the signing of the peace plan would save our future. "The historic responsibility lies with the current authorities. Will they make their people suffer or return it to the civilized world?"
All taken into consideration, it seems that darkness around us has been best defined by Jovan Maric, the professor at the Medical Faculty, who is an ethicist and psychiatrist. "Some," he said, "will die of the lack of medicines, food and everything else, which is health. But, a smaller number of people, will take this as a confirmation that the Serbs are a mythic people, since they were crucial in the First World War (the Sarajevo assassination) and in the Second World War (Hitler's delay due to an attack on our country, which, allegedly, prevented him from toppling Stalin) and now. In my opinion, it suits these people, somewhere deep inside of them, that everything important in the world revolves around the Serbs."
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