Reading is a Private Thing
``It is possible to establish a cultural pattern of one people only if one considers not only its science, but also its faith and morals, its literature and art, its politics and law, its army and economy, its customs and entertainment...,'' wrote Slobodan Jovanovic. The problem of a cultural pattern becomes increasingly topical in the country rocked by turmoil and governed by chaotic values, since a cultured man is more capable of preserving his personality as he is not one-sided. The state is the one to give the meaning and support to forming of a cultural pattern. However, as the state has ``better things'' to do, it is necessary for the sake of preserving humanistic values, that someone else tackles at least a part of the task, someone who truly cares about these values and is capable of supporting such a project. Perhaps, in Belgrade, such as it is today, one should start the process with a book, especially as the forming of a cultural pattern implies europeanisation and modernisation.
There are several preconditions for founding of the Publishing House ``Vreme knjige'' (``Vreme knjige'' translates as ``Book Time''). The changes in the society have had a disastrous effect on the so-called social publishers, not so much because of a reduction in state subsidies as because of a structure of publishers and a profile of their programmes. With a surplus of workers and without technical facilities for modern and speedy publishing, with a ruined market and impoverished buyers, without investing in new authors and with abandoning the concept of clearly defined editions, the publishers are faced with a collapse. On the other hand, small private publishers, mushroomed up lately, have very small funds. Without the support of the printing works (without risks and enthusiasm), with no advertising space or the support of the distributing service, they are condemned from the beginning to assuming a role of the alternative production.
``Vreme knjige'' is an attempt at planning ``tradition.'' The project's motto `Reading is a private thing' aims at reviving private property and civic values. The publishing policy is based on a clearly defined editions which rally contemporary domestic authors with precisely established standards (size, front page, lay-out).
A part of the publishing programme is linked to the Belgrade weekly VREME, while part is a result of participation in the creation and sponsorship of special projects (dictionaries, lexicons, etc.). VREME Publishing House wishes to regain the confidence in publishing. High quality editions, precise publication dates (twice a year, March 1 and October 1), a distribution network and professional marketing are guarantees of such trust. Cooperation with the ``Publicum'' Printing House (which has the best colour printing equipment) will ensure that the strictest standards are met.
In its first literary venture ``Vreme knjige'' will bring to its readers a variety of literary genres, including novels, novellas, poetry, essays and research by eminent contemporary writers and thinkers.
© Copyright VREME NDA (1991-2001), all rights reserved.