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November 18, 1991
. Vreme News Digest Agency No 8

Will Dr. Kostic Resign

by Velizar Brajovic

The initiative of the Reformists' MP's club to put on agenda "the decision to recall dr. Branko Kostic from the so called Federal Presidency" was not accepted. This came as a surprise, since it is obvious that the conduct of Mr. Kostic in the half-Presidency cannot be covered up by the legitimacy of the Montenegrin Parliament, even less by its ruling party (Democratic Socialist Party).

The socialists themselves have already announced that Mr. Kostic's conduct should be subject to discussion. It all began after the emergency session of Parliament, where when a split a split with Mr. Kostic over the Hague document occurred. Both the ruling party and the opposition expected concrete steps to be taken, i.e. that Mr. Kostic would resign, which would save a lot of time. Since their expectations were thwarted and Mr. Kostic continued working on preserving peace in Yugoslavia, there followed a series of protests and requests for him to resign.

"You are of no importance at this moment, but Montenegro and its youth", claimed the Students' Forum of Montenegro, adding: "Between you and Montenegro we choose Montenegro and its youth". That was the standpoint expressed in a petition which also demands that the Montenegrin students and professors return from the front. Mr. Kostic did not consider it necessary to answer these requests. He was satiated with individual support, the support of the People's and the Democratic Parties and of one segment of the campus student population in Titograd.

Thirty five professors and associates of the University "Veljko Vlahovic" in Titograd also raised their voices in protest against the conduct of their colleague Mr. Kostic. "In an all against all war, in a war of each individual against himself, which is destroying all the spiritual values and the achievements of a civilized world which have for centuries been created in these parts, a distinguished role of a strategist and an instigator of war is played by many professors at universities throughout Yugoslavia. It is unfortunate that our University belongs to the same caldron, with its teaching staff being involved in promoting violence and hatred through various political parties. The most prominent position is occupied by Mr. Kostic, the Vice-President of the nonexistent Federal Presidency of Yugoslavia, whose disintegration he is in effect helping.

The controversial political involvement of Mr. Kostic during the last three years is incompatible with basic human dignity and his professorship", the professors say. The professors stated that "anti-civilized behaviour, redundant ideas and methods of some of their colleagues makes them feel ashamed for being the part of the same Parliament". They resented the sending of a thousand of students and teachers to the war zone and the mobilization of the 5% of the whole Montenegrin population, whereby this republic has most at stake in the Yugoslav civil war, while they are convinced that "the continuance of the conflict suits only the irresponsible adventurers and profiteers". The open letter of the Liberal League to the president of the Montenegrin Parliament was also accepted by the Reformist MPs. "We think", read Slavko Perovic in the name of the Reformists to the present MPs, "that Montenegrin Parliament cannot remain silent after the latest political slalom of its representative in the so-called Federal Presidency, who has done everything within his power to get Montenegro involved in the war while he had no authority for this from the Montenegro parliament. We are of the opinion that Mr. Branko Kostic cannot represent Montenegro in the co-called Federal Presidency because his political engagement is contrary to the interests of Montenegro and its citizens". "...Mr. Kostic," write the Montenegrin Socialists, "we are addressing you because the other side is someone else's wrongdoing."... In spite of such a tragic outcome - also of your own politics - you, Mr. Kostic, dare to speak about the total war and general mobilization which mean total destruction and misery... Mr. Kostic, the Montenegrins have already given a big enough due in blood. Do not push them more deeply into the war, do not ask for more victims. Your responsibility is terrible. Enough as it is, show your awareness of it if you cannot at least give any remedy. Withdraw from the Federal Presidency. Your resignation is but a small price for the things you have already done. If you do not resign today, Montenegrin youth and Montenegrin history will put you on trial tomorrow."

These are just a few calls for Mr. Kostic's resignation. Dr. Branko Kostic himself was not present while his recall was put on the agenda. This proposal was dismissed with, it seems, in advance prepared decision of Montenegrin Socialist MPs as there was no debate on the proposal supported by the People's Party. The motives for this are the subject of a different kind of analysis, but had the rational solution been chosen, valuable time could have been saved. This was not the first time Mr. Branko Kostic was on the agenda and it is difficult to assess whether the recall operation will be successfully concluded. There is certain to be such an outcome with lengthy explanations of Mr. Kostic and the wrapping up of his every move into the cover of his "oath given to the Federal Parliament that must be observed". And he always came out a winner from such debates, simply because he had managed to tire out his opponent until he had to give up. Although a part of the public opinion was against the signing of the Hague document on the Army retreat from Croatia, Mr. Branko Kostic has emphatically reacted with the statement that he has not signed anything in the Hague. The Hague document proves the opposite. Mr. Kostic's signature is second in line, right after Mr. Mesic's signature

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