"I do not consider the arrival of foreign troops to be the solution of the crisis", said Slobodan Milosevic after his talks with the French President Francois Mitterand last August.
Nenad Canak, the leader of the Social-Democratic League of Vojvodina, has last week become the symbol of the anti-war stand in Vojvodina and Serbia, while the referendum "for war or for peace" was banned and Vojvodina's northern part Backa frightened
Until a year ago, an average Belgrader could, in the worst outcome, be robbed or beaten up in the street. Until a year ago, peace and order reigned in this city. Today, the situation is drastically changed.
It is as yet unclear what kind of constitution Macedonia will enact, but everyone is fearing that it will turn out to be a civilian nationalist muddle. After the public discussion of many months, the multi-party Constitutional Committee had offered to the Macedonian Parliament the possible form of Constitution, where the Solomon solution has been provided for in the preamble of the Constitution, whereby the nationalist character of the Macedonian state is being derived from its historical continuity and the 135 acts within the proposed constitution are based on the postulates of the civilian state
Starting from October 8 of this year, the rare passengers have the opportunity to experience the practical implications of statehood at Slovenian-Croatian border