I Wrote to Lord Carrington...
As a man who has for long belonged to Yugoslav and Kosovo political top circles, how do you view the present situation?
Yugoslavia is irreparably destroyed by the present Serbian rule. It was done with the view of creating a new, centralized state, even less democratic than the previous one. Up to a certain point, the ruling party in Serbia tried to restore the first Yugoslavia, which failed in 1941, only this time under stalinist authority. Such a "defence" of Yugoslavia was initiated in Kosovo.
When others realized what it was about, they fled in terror from it and its "defenders".Is any form of Yugoslavia at all possible?
Not any more. It could have been possible if the democracy had won. While the democratic tendencies in Europe were being established, crushing the bureaucratic socialism and stalinism, in these parts, relying on mythology and the traditions of the Dark Ages, stalinism resurrected. By abusing the media, starting a series of populist meetings and initiating the "anti-bureaucratic revolution", the fascist brain-washing of masses took place. Whoever dared to defy these tendencies and this sinister scenario and to oppose the new Stalin from the Balkans, was eliminated.
There has been a lot of talk regarding the so-called incomplete Yugoslavia. Does this option stand any chance?
This concept is also being forcibly imposed, and therefore it cannot survive. The creators of such Yugoslavia - the Serbian regime along with what is left of the Federal Presidency and the remains of the top military core - state that it would be a common state of those who wish to remain in it. As far as I can see, nobody wants it except from a few Serbs and Montenegrins. The majority of the Serbs is for the Great Serbia! In any case, that would be a federation of Serbia and Montenegro only.
What do you think is the possible solution to the Kosovo problem?
After its unfortunate escapade Serbia should retreat from Kosovo. That would be in the interest both of Serbia and Kosovo, and both of Serbs and Albanians. There should be negotiations on peaceful coexistence and cooperation. Now the world public is dealing with our problems and that should seize this opportunity, since it is obvious that nothing can be achieved through direct negotiations. Kosovo should be guaranteed its full political and territorial autonomy and sovereignty, a democratically elected government. For the Serbian cultural heritage and the Serbs who wish to stay in Kosovo there should a defined protective status and it should be put under the control of the international political factors. Kosovo should, of course, become a community with open borders and all the civil liberties by the European criteria.
You recently wrote to Lord Carrington and to Mr. Van den Broek. What did you state in the letter?
I suggested that all the republics of Yugoslavia as well as the newly created autonomous regions be listed in the introductory document. Kosovo should be included too. I also suggested that the Army, which still calls itself Yugoslav, is outlawed and dismissed and its armament placed under the control of the United Nations, until the political settlement of the crisis is reached.
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