"An Economy of Destruction - The Great Robbery of the People" (edition VIN - Belgrade) a book by Fellow of the Belgrade Faculty of Economics Mladjan Dinkic (1964) was promoted on Wednesday. The author offers numerous convincing arguments, from practical ones to general theory, which justify the title of the book. Perhaps it would have been more appropriate, since the matter concerns this regime's continual policy, if the title had been: The Constant Robbing of the People
The clash between Republic of Serb Krajina (RSK) president Milan Martic and prime minister Borislav Mikelic was interrupted in the second round of a regular session of parliament with a draw
Whoever wants to can fly over Bosnia in whatever they want and whenever they want. The enforcement of the no-fly zone has been eased and someone decided to profit from the opportunity: they control the zone, patrol it, fly over it and they can always make fools of UNPROFOR
Have you heard that two AWACS were downed over Krusevac last year? Or that Arkan's Tigers downed a German Tornado over Erdut? They did, they did, but we don't want to brag and they don't dare admit the losses. They got slapped and are just lying low.
One of the unpleasant things that can happen to one in public life here is when you find yourself confronted with someone's false convictions and are forced to discuss them as if they were real. As the social situation gets more perverse, one meets such people more often, and the lies get bigger and more obvious. It's unpleasant inasmuch one feels like a fool, trying to prove something that is obvious to all. And since you can't tell the man that he is lying, you inevitably find yourself in an inferior position because you're agreeing to a false dialogue and you have become a participant in the perversion.
"If my daddy were alive, we'd have the same house, or two houses, and we'd live together, and we wouldn't be afraid."(Jadranka, a refugee child from Croatia, aged ten.)
The speaker welcomed prominent guests (Radoje Kontic, Mirko Marjanovic, Dragan Tomic and Aleksandar Bakocevic) from the stage while a group of Red Star club fans shouted "Red Bandits" from the balcony. Interestingly, the 100 or so fans got up the courage to shout their protests although Zeljko Raznjatovic Arkan was in the audience