No one knows better than Karadzic and Milosevic how wrong it is for the world to think they are so different; viewing one as a war criminal and the other as a factor of peace and stability
The only part of the public sector in Serbia that hasn't gone on strike are the police and social aid beneficiaries. The police are getting their salaries while the last social aid was passed out in December
A change of ministers in Serbia was always a treat but it has become a boring routine. Six months ago it took 12 minutes to replace the entire SPS main board now it takes 12 minutes to replace eight ministers
Even if there is no gold or Atlanta at least the Croats are beaten. And the press got an opportunity to use some of the headlines they almost forgot about like "Croats on Their Knees"
Why has the grey vice-president of the grey Federal Government, Jovan Zebic, suddenly been thrust into the multicoloured local and international limelight?